“Breathe” “Breathe” Fan Fiction: Lifting Love: An Irresistible Entanglement (Chapter 1) KPOP STORIES|May 13, 2022 Taking steps back like I am Michael Jackson doing the moonwalk, I feel very flustered. Frankly, it is a mixed feeling. It is scary but still sweet. I ponder what he means. “I WILL BE WATCHING YOU” “Oh, Eric! He could be a serial killer” *Slowly looking around to see the cameras “Good! At least there will be evidence.” “But, hold on. If he meant me harm, I am sure he wouldn’t have saved me.” I look at him again. This time I am the one giving him a questioning look He catches my stare and smiles again “Argh!” My heart aches. “Cupid! You flying love arrow shooting p$#k.” I feel somewhat at ease, almost reassured and safe again. As if 1 minute ago, I wasn’t just contemplating whether he was a serial killer or not. But let’s be honest, those words felt like something straight out of a Lifetime movie. You know the one. The kind where the girl meets her dashing prince charming in the beginning and is so blinded by his charms, she cannot see all the red flags, till they get married and he turns to a monster and next thing you know her head is by the sink and her body is in the living room. *Phew! “Deep breathes Eric, deep breathes.” In the midst of my wild thoughts, I didn’t notice when he walked closer to me. Raising my head up, we locked eyes and for what felt like eons, we both stared at each other. It was like I could read him, his history, his dreams, his life. It felt like I could understand who he was. We both seemed to snap back to reality when we heard a noise from the end of the room. Sudden realization sets in. We were no longer alone. I look at him and see a pang on his face, it wasn’t from the fear of someone finding out that he’s an idol, or at least I thought, but disgust as to the cause of the interruption of what might have been a psychic link to him. I smile broadly. He looks at me and immediately that look of disgust turns into a bright smile and he asks me if I was done. I respond yes and he said he was too. “Okay,”  I thought to myself. “Now what do I do?” My head starts spinning as I ponder on my next action. Should I bid him farewell, wishing him good luck on his drama, dash home, and cry my eyes out whenever I see him on TV, thinking of what could’ve been?!" You might be reading this and think, “Come on, man up and ask him for his number or something.” But frankly, that is easier said than done because, in this moment, my mind was drawing a blank. *Still pondering “Hey, do you want…..” He cuts me off quickly. “I know a quaint bar around the corner. After a long evening like this and considering what you went through, I think you could use a bottle of beer”. I smile. He takes that as an affirmation and says “Let’s go”. Reaching out his hands, like it was a normal reflex action. I felt like Cinderella. An idol about to hold my hand in public? I mean, we were practically alone, but it still counts as public and I would be damned if I didn’t claim this as my fairytale moment. Cause I know this is some fairy godmother magic and who am I to not appreciate or waste her spell. I reach out and hold his hands also. “Wow! They are huge!” He looks at me shocked. Looks at our hands and starts laughing loudly. I am a bit confused. I look around to see if the new person in the gym could hear this resounding laughter that filled the room. He didn’t seem to. Still holding my hand, he signals for my bag. “Oh! He wanted to carry my bag! That’s why he stretched his hands!” “OH! ERIC!!! COME ON!!!” He notices my head drop and raises my chin with his hands. Looking deep into his eyes, I once again see the warmth but this time cloaked with desire. It was fiery. Suddenly my heart starts racing, everywhere feels hot and I could feel our body heat rising. “Woah!” I think to myself. “Is this really happening? Or maybe it’s just the sweat from the intense workout we both had”. I mean, yes! I might have stopped halfway but it was still intense! Don’t judge. I gather my thoughts and still locked in his gaze, he gave a devilish grin that sent chills done my spin. “Let’s go,” he says. For a second, I try to comprehend where we were going as various thoughts ran through my head. He must have noticed cause he laughed and said “We are going to the bar, aren’t we”. “Oh! Yes! The bar!” “Right, let’s go”. I said. We both pick up our jackets and end out the door. The night is just perfect. The moon was in all its glory, shedding a bright light that made everything have a subtle glow. Walking side by side, each time our bodies so much as graze each other, my heart starts racing as I remember that fiery moment at the gym. It felt straight out of a Manga. “Oh, he was so close!” Silence fills the air, but somehow, that was okay. We didn’t need to talk much, and this subtle skinship, however through a jacket, was much more exciting and in this moment, spoke more volumes than words could ever do. We get to the bar and he immediately adjusts his face cap. “Right! He is an idol.” Getting into our private booth, he takes it off and seems more relaxed, running his hands through his soft-looking locks. Once again, the camera has clearly never done him full justice because, in real life, he looks more handsome. Handsome might not be enough of a word to fully describe his visuals. But at the risk of not sounding like a creep, let’s stick with handsome for now. Right as I was staring, the waiter comes in bearing gifts. He smiles at her and they exchanged warm greetings. “I guess he is a regular here.” I always thought idols don’t go out often in order to avoid a scandal. Although I never imagined them locked in their houses during their free time, I just didn’t think they had this kind of liberty. “Would you like something to eat too?” A voice says. “Hello, would you like something to eat?” The voice is more stern this time. I get distracted from my thoughts as I am brought back to reality by the voice. I see JunWoo looking at me a bit confused. The waiter has the same reaction. “Oh! Sorry! Yes, I would like a plate of spicy fried chicken and a bottle of cold beer please.” I respond to the waiter. He orders the same thing. She comes back a minute later with the beers and tells us the chicken will be done soon. Immediately she takes her leave, he opens a bottle of beer and pours it into my cup. I reach out to get the bottle from him, to do the same gesture. As I hold the bottle, our fingers graze, and an electric shock wave flows through my body. My eyes are locked in his again. And this time, I am not trying to discern the look in his eyes. Because it is as clear as spring waters. He wants me. And frankly, I want him too. “Cheers” Our glasses clink. Now, I am not that good of a drinker. I can handle just one glass but nothing more or else I become a colossal mess and “Eric you do not want to show that side to possibly the man of your dreams.” I could be getting ahead of myself here but It felt right. The food is yet to come. Maybe she has forgotten. It looked very busy when we entered earlier. Plus, I am not that hungry though. His phone rings “Excuse me one moment,” he says “I need to take this.” I thought he would get up and take the call somewhere private but he just sat comfortably and started a long conversation about work and his schedule for the day after. “I am having a great time with my friend,” he says. Is it eavesdropping when the person is talking right in front of you? I don’t think so. Hearing those words, I felt a warmth coming over me. I was more relaxed now. “I am a friend.”  Reaching out for my second cup of beer, I thought, " Let’s just have a great time like he says, besides, the night is young and I will be fine."  ……… *Sniff * Sniff “Smells so good! I guess the food has arrived”. *Yawns “Argh! My head hurts!” Try to open my eyes “Argh! Too bright” “And why does everything around me feel so soft.” Touch  Touch  “This feels like a bed.” EYES OPEN AJAR “WHERE AM I?” *Feel a breeze on my body.  “AND WHERE ARE MY CLOTHES?!”  Looking around trying to make sense of what was happening, I am scared and worried, drawing a blank as I try so hard to remember the events of last night. “Argh! My head hurts!” As I sit up to find my way around the room and look for my clothes at least, I hear the door creak open, and he gently walks in, wearing a singlet and pajama pants, carrying a tray of food towards me. “You’re awake,” he said with a smile. I am still perplexed and shocked. Fear sets in at the realization of what could have happened. “WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED LAST NIGHT?!” I screamed at him.     Fan Fiction: Lifting Love: An Irresistible Entanglement (Chapter 3) KPOP STORIES|Jun 24, 2022 Fan Fiction: The Anatomy Of Forever (“True Beauty” Han SeoJun X Reader AU) KDRAMA STORIES|May 27, 2022 Fan Fiction: Time Stands Still And Waits For The Story Of Us KPOP STORIES|May 20, 2022

Fan Fiction  Lifting Love  An Irresistible Entanglement  Chapter 2  - 47Fan Fiction  Lifting Love  An Irresistible Entanglement  Chapter 2  - 7Fan Fiction  Lifting Love  An Irresistible Entanglement  Chapter 2  - 32Fan Fiction  Lifting Love  An Irresistible Entanglement  Chapter 2  - 34Fan Fiction  Lifting Love  An Irresistible Entanglement  Chapter 2  - 60